Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Consuming curry once or twice a week is linked to helping prevent the onset of Alzheimer's. More specifically curcumin; it is a component of turmeric. Studies have shown curcumin prevented the spread of amyloid plaques, found outside brain cells. Professor Doraiswamy of Duke University said: "There is very solid evidence that curcumin binds to plaques, and basic research on animals engineered to produce human amyloid plaques has shown benefits. Turmeric has been studied not just in Alzheimer's research but for a variety of conditions, such as cancer and arthritis. Turmeric is often referred to as the spice of life in ancient Indian medical lore."

As stated above, turmeric is the spice of life. It also has other medicinal properties. It helps with everything from preventing cataracts, stoke, amenorrhea, arthritis, athlete's foot, bunions, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, diabetes, fungal infections, gallstones, gout, headaches, lice, liver problems, various pains, swelling, tendinitis, ulcers, and even worms.

Curcumin inhibits the synthesis of substances called prostaglandins in the body, which are involved with pain. It reacts similarly to aspirin or ibuprofen, just weaker. At high doses, curcumin stimulates the adrenal glands to release the body's own cortisone. Cortisone is a naturally occurring pain reliever of pain and inflammation.

So, eating curry dishes once or twice a week is a tasty way to get your nutrients and boost your immunity.

Quick Chicken Curry
1 lb. Cooked Chicken (shredded/diced/or chopped)
1 Med. Onion (small dice)
4 Cloves Garlic (minced/sliced/whatever makes you happy)
1 Tbsp. Curry Powder (choose your favorite blend/spicy or mild)
1 & 1/2 Tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Bell Pepper (cut into strips/pick a color any color or all colors)
1 Zucchini (cut into half moons)
1 cup Peas (frozen or fresh/sweet/snow/or sugarsnaps)
1/4 cup raisins
1 small apple (med. dice)
2-3 cups Chicken Stock
Salt & Pepper to taste
  1. Heat medium sized saute pan on medium/high heat. Add the olive oil, onions, and garlic. Stir occasitionally for 2 minutes. Until onions are translucent.
  2. Add in peppers, zucchini, apples, and raisins. Saute until apples are a little soft. About another 2 minutes.
  3. Add curry powder, salt, and pepper. Let flavors bloom. About one minute.
  4. Add chicken stock. Let reduce by one third.
  5. Add peas and cooked chicken. Fold in and let warm for at least for 5 minutes.
  6. Serve with rice (brown rice is better) and a side salad

If the curry sauce is a little bitter, add 1 tsp. honey and a squeeze of lime.

References: Medical News Today http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/
The Green Pharmacy-James A. Duke, Ph.D.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

1st Week Update

Well, I've been doing the 10 Minute Trainer for 4 days now. (I will add a BeachBody Spot about it on the 11th. The website is going to be under construction for the next few days.) Out of the various workouts, my favorite is the Cardio. Who would have thought. Usually I prefer the strength work better. The Cardio workout has football training moves, some yoga warrior poses, and minor marital-arts lunge kick combos.

One thing's for sure... I'm not as coordinated as I used to be. If I started to think about my movements too much, ie. warrior one and two, I would forget where my arms were suppose to be. It was less warrior and more like a flight attendant pointing to the exits and restrooms.

I know, I know... the more I do, the better coordinated I will become. Besides this is a marathon, not a sprint, and I'm only in my first mile.

This coming week I'm going to post my first recipe, nutrition tips, and some ways to get kids interested in cooking and eating healthy foods.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

New Adventures

Hi Everybody! This is my very first blog ever. I know I'm a little behind the times. However, I have finally joined the 21st century, and I have hit the ground...maybe not running, but I'm on the ground anyway.

So I've started this blog as part of my new business and life ventures. As of yesterday I became a BeachBody Coach and I want to share my adventures. I plan on bringing to you, tips, ideas, and general information on nutrition, health, fitness,lifestyle, and food. With a little modern philosophy for good measure.

I want to pose a simple question to one and all.

What do you want out of this blog?